Start here to find leadership and career development opportunities especially for University of Iowa staff.
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Courses & Workshops
Take a single course or complete a series—most are free or low-cost. Choose from self-paced or scheduled options.
Supervisor Training and Toolbox
Comprehensive training for staff and faculty in supervisory roles.
Cost: No charge
Schedule: Self-paced, 5 hours in class
Supervising Today’s Students
Course series for staff and faculty who hire, onboard, and develop student employees. Offered in partnership with the Pomerantz Career Center and STEP.
Cost: No charge
Schedule: Self-paced, 9 hours in class
Leadership Development Workshops
Nationally acclaimed workshops from certified presenters offered at a discount to Iowa participants. Session topics, dates, and times vary throughout the year.
Cost: Starting at $50
Leadership Anytime
Audio podcasts, online workshops, and other formats addressing everything leadership.
Cost: No charge
Schedule: Self-paced
Cohort Programs
Join a group of peers in programs that run a few weeks to a few months. Cohort programs are a great way to make connections—self-nominations are encouraged.
Practical Applications of Supervisory Skills (PASS)
Two workshop series for new supervisors:
Cost: No charge
Schedule: Fall, 22.5 hours in class over 10 weeks
Comprehensive leadership program for staff and faculty. Combines assessments, coaching, workshops, and other activities. Nominations from college/division leaders due in late December. Core program runs May to August.
Cost: $485
Schedule: Summer, 14-18 hours in class plus 4 hours coaching over 4 months
Executive Leadership Academy-Higher Education
Intensive program for mid- to senior-level staff and faculty with strategic and operational leadership responsibilities. Applications due in spring for May/June selection. Cohort participates in immersion, coaching, and other activities from October to April.
Cost: $2,000
Schedule: Fall-Spring, about 10 hours per month over 7 months
Executive Leadership Academy-Health Care
Intensive program for mid-to-senior level staff and faculty with UI Health Care leadership responsibilities. Applications due in March/April. Program typically runs from late August to early May.
Cost: Sponsored by UI Health Care
Schedule: Fall-Spring
Coaching & Mentoring
Explore your leadership goals, path, and practices, and get personalized support.
Career & Communication Coaching
Discover your most powerful natural abilities with the CliftonStrengths talent assessment. Maximize your personalized strengths for career and leadership development. Includes online assessment, report, and individual coaching.
Cost: Starting at $20
Schedule: By appointment
Brief Coaching & Referral
Advice from certified coaches on leadership development or specific challenges. Assistance with next steps, resources, mentors, and more.
Cost: No charge
Schedule: By appointment
Recommendations for identifying, initiating, and sustaining mentorship opportunities.
Cost: No charge
Schedule: Self-paced
Other Opportunities
Explore information and reference resources, other self-guided learning tools, and Iowa academic programs.
Supervisors’ Toolbox
Online supplement to Supervisor Training@Iowa (see courses and series above) with videos, policy and resource links, and more.
Cost: No charge
Guide to Performance Management
Resources for annual performance evaluations—your own or your teams—and for making performance management a year-round process.
Cost: No charge
LinkedIn Learning
Wide variety of online training modules spanning business, creative, and technology topics. Look for leadership and management options under the “Business” category.
Cost: No charge for Iowa staff, faculty, and students
Schedule: Self-paced
Leadership Certificate
Professional-level academic certificate awarded by the Tippie College of Business. Credits can also be applied toward a Tippie MBA.
Cost: Current tuition rates
Career Development Advising Services
Confidential, one-on-one consulting on career goals and planning.
Cost: No charge
Schedule: By appointment
Leadership Conferences
Local, regional, and state events featuring speakers, authors, and networking opportunities.
Cost: Varies by event
Schedule: Typically 1-2 days throughout the year
Mary Jo Small Fellowships
Mary Jo Small Staff Fellowship Awards offer staff financial support to cover fees associated with professional development.
Which Program is Right for Me?
The best leadership development plans combine on-the-job experience, coaching and mentoring, and formal training. Learn how to design your own plan and how to choose between UI leadership programs for staff and faculty.