Anyone can lead. Iowa opportunities can show you how.

Leadership isn't just for those who aspire to run departments or manage teams. It's for anyone who'd like to influence organizational goals, inspire colleagues and peers, and improve a workplace or community. Leadership skills are a valuable part of any professional development or educational plan.

Discover Iowa programs and other opportunities that serve your career and personal goals. Start from the staff or faculty pages to find:

Illustration of a person pointing at a board or screen.

Courses and Workshops

Self-paced or scheduled, most free or low cost

Illustration suggesting five people.

Cohort Programs

Development you complete with peers, usually over a few months

Illustration of a clipboard with a checklist.

Coaching and Mentoring

Support for personalized insight and action

Illustration of a lightbulb

Other Opportunities

Information and reference tools, formal academic programs, and more



BTAA Academic Leadership Program

Other Leadership Websites

See these additional sites for more info on the programs listed here plus related resources.

Leading and Supervising

Find leadership programs and training for all UI employees from University Human Resources and campus partners.

Go to Leading and Supervising

Faculty Development

Find a range of professional development options for faculty from the Office of the Executive Vice President and Provost.

Go to Faculty Development